Thoughts on Structuring your Apollo Queries & Mutations

Photo by Patryk Grądys on Unsplash Photo by Patryk Grądys on Unsplash

Rezz - Synthesia on Spotify: This is what I listen to when I code. I wrote this article while listening to the entire album. Listen at your own risk 😃

After using Apollo for the last few months, I’ve picked up some great patterns we’ve adopted at Orchard, where we’ve re-implemented an experience for our beta testers just about every week

The faster we can build something, the sooner we can get feedback from our beta testers and the better chance we have of building an amazing product.

Folder Structure:

I don’t inline my queries. Maybe I’m cray cray, but I strongly believe in being able to search and reuse something as quickly as possible. ag, fzf, Alfred Workflows and Nuclide search are my best friends IRL. I try to be as descriptive as possible, even if that means a 40 character filename.

Here’s what that folder structure looks like:


I typically like to keep my folder structure flat. I’m ok with nesting GraphQL because I’ve realized over time that I can figure out if something is a query or a mutation without appending mutation or query to the end of the file.

Naming Conventions:

Mutations will always start with an action:

  • saveUserPushToken
  • updateOnboardingProfile
  • createUser

Queries just describe what I’m looking for:

  • userProfile
  • userConnections
  • reminders

Sometimes they’ll even look like this:

  • remindersWithNewFeatureOfSomeKind
  • userProfileWithUserSettings
  • userPrioritiesWithRemindersAtTheTop

I don’t prefix them with anything because I already know they live under the queries folder no matter what I do. Besides, prefixing them with something like get may make it seem like an API action. Also, I tried it and didn’t like it.

File Structure:

I don’t like to keep them in the same file either because I literally spend more time scrolling than I do typing! What does each file look like? The way you’d expect:

import gql from "graphql-tag";

const updateUsername = gql`
  mutation UpdateUsername($id: ID!, $username: String!) {
    updateUsername(id: $id, username: $username) {

export default updateUsername;

updateUserProfile will have its own file too!

This way no matter what, I can continue to move quickly, implement our new features from design and have an exact description of what each and every file is doing.

Final Thoughts

I’ve fallen in love with this setup for my queries and mutations. I’ve rewritten our mutations and queries ~50 times and haven’t like I’ve been going against the grain yet.

That being said, this folder / file structure is not for everyone. Consult with your manager and co-worker and make sure that this folder structure is right for you.

Side effects include yelling at me online so don’t yell at me!

If you have a better way, I’m always open to new ideas: Hit me up on Twitter


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